So Road of a Warrior audiobook released 28th February, and made its way straight to “Hot New Release” on Amazon. That’s great news. I am still on chapter six and really enjoying it, pottering in the garden while Daniel Thomas May reads my story. I still can’t get used to that but am loving it, honestly.

Releasing audiobooks is totally new to me. I could have gone the indie road and produced them myself, take the risk of spending thousands on a good production and narrator and hope that sales make up for the investment. Instead, I managed to land a great deal with Tantor Media and they offered me a contract for the first three books in the Silvan Series. I am not sure they know there will be more books in the series, and when book four becomes a reality, I will have to sit down and think about whether I want to go the ‘published’ road. You may be asking why.
At the time I accepted that contract, I was so busy writing, getting my head around being an indie author, understanding algorithms, promotion tactics, social media and everything that goes with the trade – I just didn’t feel I had the time for all the reading and research it was going to take me to do it myself. And then there is that ‘not-too-well-established’ author syndrome that drones away in your head saying, “What if it’s a flop?” “How many people actually listen to audiobooks?”
I don’t regret working with Tantor at all and may well accept other offers that may come my way in the future. The cash came in handy and to be quite honest, it wasn’t the time to take the risk. But there are downsides. For one, I have no control over how the audiobooks are promoted and sold. I can’t choose categories, keywords and this, to the eyes of any indie author, is a terrible thing. We all know the value of properly categorising our books and therefore audiobooks. My epic fantasy story is in the Fairy Tales category on the UK store.
Fairy tales? There is some Deviant (zombie) warrior with a rusty scimitar slicing through elven warriors, spewing guts all over the place and my book is in the Fairy Tales category. What a shock to some poor, unsuspecting amazon client. And who will they complain to?
The other question is the apparent lack of promotion going on. I see nothing at all, which really does seem like a recipe for failure, but maybe I’m wrong and it’s going on somewhere I can’t see? To be quite honest, the only reason the audio got to “Best New Release” seems to be because the books are ranking relatively well in their respective categories.
It is great that my books were deemed worthy of being published by one of the greats, but who knows, Rise of a Warlord may be produced by Yours Truly. Luckily there is still a year to go before that dilemma re-emerges and bites me in the bum.
I hope you enjoy the audiobooks. I’d love to hear your feedback.
Congratulations! I think the audiobook idea was really cool! A book 4#?? Awesome 😀 Keep up the good work!
Oh yes, and probably more!
I am so very glad that you decided to turn your books into audiobooks. I wouldn’t have found your amazing tale if you hadn’t. The way I found the first book was on hoopla. I listened to it and was instantly addicted. Next, I looked you up on audible and saw that book 2 was out and purchased it immediately.
Whatever you decide, please release book 4 on audio somehow.
Hello Nora. That’s wonderful, I am thrilled you are enjoying the audiobooks. Book three is already signed up but the producers are waiting for me (them) to get my act together and send them the final manuscript. The book launch is due end of April beginning of May, so I anticipate the audio should be out sometime June, with some luck. I look forward to your comments on Dawn of Legend when it comes!
Best wishes.
I wouldn’t have discovered you and your books if you hadn’t had this great idea! I can only “read” audiobooks.
What’s the equivalent of a page turner for an audiobook? A non stop listening? We have to create a word, here.
Anyway, I can’t wait for the new audiobook and, despite your fears concerning how the audiobooks are created by your editor, I can say it is a good thing for us, the readers.
I have set a kind of alarm clock on my audible account to know when the next episode will be available.
Oh, and, please, make sure it is sold on audible France, I am French.
Thanks again for your work!
À bientôt,
Best regards
Wow. Thank you Claire-Marie 🙂 I trust it will be available in France but again, that’s one of the things I can’t oversee personally. So frustrating!! Equivalent of page-turner for audiobooks … hum. Got me thinking there.
How do you set an alarm on Audible? Is there an author alert or something? Interesting.
So book three is due 27th April in Kindle format, so I think June is a sensible guess for the audiobook. I hope you’ll check in from time to time for updates and I am so pleased you found me, and that you are enjoying the series.
Ooh! Thanks for the answer!!
Well, I have kind of “created” the alarm!😃 I put a book I like in the list of books I want to read later (even if I have already read it) and then I check regularly if a new episode is available. Crude method, but it works…
I have asked Audible several times if they could create a proper alarm, but obviously we are not numerous enough asking for that
I have a question too… could you read the Silvan chronicles for us, please? It would be great! I have downloaded them when I became a member of your mailing list. Who could read them better than you?
You have new fans…the audiobook fans…lol
Brilliant that you’re on the list 🙂 Read it, me? I would get so nervous!!! I think it could be done later on, when there is more material. As an ongoing thing, the audio would soon be out of date and need updating, but certainly something to think about. Or I could have a whole bottle of wine and then record myself. Oh the shame!
Ok, sending French wine tomorrow…. 😉
Hahahahaha! Send the wine but no promises with the recording.
I just checked out your cover. Who is your illustrator? The drawings of the different characters are amazingly beautiful!
Ah, that would be the amazing Anastasia. You can find her on Deviant Art here …