At last!!!! Book 5 of The Silvan Saga is about to launch.
I can’t believe how the book just ran away with me like this. I never meant it to be 650 pages long – seriously.
Still, I’m not complaining. I’m not a plotter, not a pantser. I’m somewhere in between, and if a story takes me down a path I hadn’t intended, my only question is: “Is it good?” If it is, I’ll take that path and follow it to the end. Enter Rise of The Silvan.
Of course, as a series, I know what needed to happen, and no one’s going to tell me it’s a simple story. The Silvan is a real challenge to my memory, let me tell you. The sheer amount of story arcs, characters, names and places is just mind-boggling. Maybe I’ll write that Readers’ Guide one day. Yes it’s meant for readers, but the author is going to have to use it too.
The Kindle edition is the first out, on the 9th April. The paperback will take another week, and the audiobook a few months, depending on the producers and the narrator’s schedule of course. My team is currently tweaking and proofing (please stop!) but we’ll have it ready, I promise.
Now I’m not blowing my own trumpet here, but my ARC team reckon this is the best instalment so far. I think I agree, but I’ll let you be the judge of that. I just hope that when the time comes, you’ll love it.
If you’d like to pre-order from Amazon, you can do so here.
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