It’s been a while, I know. But admittedly, I have been very busy, and I thought I’d fill you in on just what has been going on at R.K. Lander Shedquarters.
This is just one thing I’ve been up to these past months. No, unfortunately, I did not do this myself. I wish I could! Kudos to Asha Znamenska for a wonderful illustration for the last book in The Silvan Saga.
The image has a filter applied to it, and of course I can’t show you the whole thing before the cover is ready. The magicians at Deranged Doctor Design are working on it as I write this – and my nails are getting shorter and shorter. Actually that’s not right. I don’t have nails; I just pretend I’m biting them.
Like it? Love it? Let me know what you think!
Most of my time has been spent on putting together the first draft of Destiny of a Prince. Together with the unparalleled M.Y. Leigh, we are thrashing out the story threads. Email, Wattsapp, as I shop or as she takes the kids to school, we are reminding each other of what needs to be said and done, sometimes coming up with the most hair-brained ideas you’ve ever heard. It’s the way we work, what makes us such an incredible team.
There is no release date just yet. Once the first draft is completed, I’ll have more news for you.
If you’re an audiobook fan, release date for Rise of the Silvan is November 2, 2021. I’m not sure why it’s taking so long, but I can only assume it’s COVID related delays. Still, it’s only just over two months to wait – not so bad really.
Work has already begun on the next series. I’ll have more to say soon, but what I can confirm is that we will remain in the epic fantasy genre, and that some of our characters will set out on another journey. Cryptic? Probably. M.Y. Leigh says it’s my signature trait but I disagree.
Finally, there is a new Facebook group for fans. You can chat about the books, created polls, share artwork, ask questions. You can chat with me too, I’m usually around. Pop in and take a look. Official R.K. Lander Fan Page
So it’s back to work for me. If you have any questions, drop me a line, or find me in the new Facebook Group and start a discussion.
Stay well.