So this is the way I like to start a launch. Dawn of a Legend is off to a grand start with best seller badges on the .com and stores. And let’s not forget Australia!
Dawn is also ranking number 1 in various categories and my job is to keep it there for as long as possible. One week on and organic performance has been measured. Now, it’s time for promo…
Yesterday, promo went out on ereadernewstoday for book I, Path of a Novice, which has been reduced to 99C for the first 30 days of launch.Today, it will feature on and across their social media platforms. On Wednesday, we’ll be featuring on, then from Friday, on From the 6th of May, the Book Blitz for Dawn of a Legend begins. I’ll create a separate posts for the links.
So has it all been flowers? Eh, no. While feedback has been amazing, we are only a week into launch, which means the reviews, although they are trickling in, numbers are still quite low. One bad review and that takes you down a good chunk. And yes, we got a 2-star review from someone who liked the book but read far too much into the political plot line and thought I was sitting on the other side of his / her fence. Hopefully, reviews to come will take us back up to five stars.
I have also been checking my author ranking on Amazon and am delighted that we have hit an all-time high today.

#424 out of all fantasy authors on Amazon is pretty amazong!
Amazing too. But this is addictive and I wonder if I can’t work on that.
So what now? Well, I sit and wait, and slowly but surely prepare myself for work on book four. I need to get back into that routine. Early nights and early mornings, but for now, I just want to relax, have fun, have a launch party and thank everyone who has been participating, reading, reviewing, motivating or simply hitting the like buttons across my social media. These moments don’t last long but they are memorable. If you’re one of those people, you’re amazing and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
And now for coffee, biscuits and a ball game with my dogs.
Congrats on the release of book #3 and ranking 1! I had to read all 3 books together over the weekend so I didn’t miss anything… Amazing 🤩! Can’t deny that I’ve gotten so invested in some of the characters over the course of the books that it was hard to say goodbye to them (definitely sniffing back tears) but there many moments of hope and tenderness too. It was a great follow up to the previous books… I really love the development of the relationship between the Handir and Fel’annár. Sontúr is a favourite too and can’t wait to read more 🙂 I’m sure many more great reviews will be received as more readers complete the books. Cheers
Oh I’m so glad you’re enjoying the series! And that must have been quite a marathon, reading all three books in a weekend.
I hope you’ll stay tuned for news on book four, even though, admittedly, there is a while to go yet.
Best wishes.
So happy for you! You deserve it!
Screw the 2 star review 😤 You put your heart into these books and you deserve more than 5 stars 🙂 Relax and enjoy your day ❤
Hahaa. Nicely put.
Well Fel annar’s world is addictive, I cant believe I’ve got to wait a whole year before the next book, I guess it will give me plenty of time to reread the books a few dozen times to keep it extra fresh in the mind. I’m certainly not surprised it has done so well by the next book I’m sure you are going to have so many more fans. Congrats Ruth.
Well, as an Advanced Reader, you’ll be getting insights before then, right? So eight months, nine? That’s not so bad!
Hey Ruth,
Just finished Dawn , loved the book and wrote a review on Amazon. I am absolutely loving getting to see you come into your own as a author over the course of these books.
I’m by no means some magical editor or some other author I’m just a retired soldier that makes a living writing computer software .
Anyways, I just wanted to say ignore those 3 star and less reviews on Amazon. Just read them after I posted my own and I was just shocked.
I’m all for equality and inclusivity but me personally ? It’s everywhere , in every form of media, I do not see how it needs to be a requirement. I loved the Last Herald Mage series by Mercedes Lackey, but that was central to the story, I don’t understand people’s compulsion with throwing stuff in just to have it there.
I dunno I guess all I’m saying is don’t stretch to appease everyone in Rise of a Warlord. Your doing great and I love the stories and do not let the naysayers bring you down. Add in whatever you want , hell have the Company grow wings and fly around , just tell the story the way you want it and I’m sure I will enjoy it .
Oh and besides you and Jim Butcher I don’t think I’ve ever wrote a review for a author and I read at least 3-4 books in a week lol. So I guess you’ve made a fan.
Hi Sam. Thanks for the encouragement. Luckily, most reviews have been great, and even the negative ones have something positive in them. I mean at least no one has called it hogwash, like one reader did with Path of a Novice in Canada. That hurt!
There are many authors who are doing what they think will sell the most. Badass female protagonists, idiot male characters, homosexual protagonists .. that’s all fine with me, but when these subjects are included to gain maximum popularity, well I have a problem with that. I don’t think anyone in my books whine about racism. They rebel against it. Plot holes? Don’t think so. The baddie has been around since book one and I’m all for character development. As for why the Alpines in Ea Uare aren’t worried about the Silvans rebelling, well, one of them reckons there are enough Alpines in places of power that a rebellion to be easily quashed. We’ve all seen that throughout history, no plot hole there.
So some readers like to read too much into stories sometimes, or tend to be skeptical and think the worst of the author. Comes with the job, unfortunately!
So after a few more weeks break from writing, it will be back to the desk and Rise of a Warlord, written by R.K.Lander for whoever wants to read. For my part, I certainly won’t tailor my story to other people’s expectations.
Speak soon!