Blog posts - Author R.K. Lander - Page 7
R.K. Lander

Blog posts


Path of a Novice Second Edition is Here!

Path of a Novice, Second Edition is out! You can get it for FREE by signing…

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Blog posts

Tolkien’s Angels: A question of belief

Guest post on Carolee Croft’s great blog.

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New artwork for Fel'annár

Just a sneaky peek of the new artwork for Fel’annár, the main character of Path of…

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Blog posts

Path of a Novice: three months on.

Launching my first book as an indie author has been – interesting. Did I ever think…

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Dance as a Means of Showing, Not Telling

A very interesting perspective.

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FREE 20-22nd July. Path of a Novice: The Silvan Book I

Epic YA fantasy action. Free 20th-22nd July. Download yours and if you enjoy it, I’d love…

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Over-excited author moment.

No, I didn’t get a publishing deal – I got the second best thing – another…

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When You Need More Tolkien in Your Life You Read the Simarillion

Source: When You Need More Tolkien in Your Life You Read the Simarillion

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Some Love for the Hobbit

Source: Some Love for the Hobbit

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Blog posts

R.K.’s audiobooks are also available at all major retailers.