With just weeks to go before the release of book four of the Silvan Saga, the final manuscript is locked down and ready for its final edit.
Did I nearly miss my cut off? Yes. But I didn’t so I’m breathing again, at least until I get some feedback from my editor to the effect of, ‘it’s amazing.’
I thought Dawn of a Legend was long at 130,000 words, but Return of a Warlord has far surpassed that. Prior to that final edit, we are at 150,000 words. That’s a big wodge of a book. Not that I am complaining, mind. Now, let me give you some important information:
FACEBOOK LIVE – rklwrites
I will soon be scheduling a Facebook Live, probably on a Friday. Morning in the US, evening in Australia and NZ. We’re going to talk about the new book (no spoilers) and about future books. I recently sent out a survey on what readers would like to see in upcoming books. More of The Company? More of The Three? A prequel? Stand-alone adventures? So please try to come. I’d love to meet you.
May 30th. Kindle first, and then paperback on the same day or just a few days after. The audiobook will be narrated by Daniel Thomas May once more, but will not be available until July or August – at a guess.
You can pre-order here: Amazon US – Amazon UK – Amazon AU
Book five will not be so long coming. The culmination of the series promises to be an emotional journey for everyone. Can I finish for Christmas? January perhaps? I will try my best. And the title you ask? Coming very soon.
I really hope to meet you on Facebook soon and if you can’t make it, then I hope you enjoy this fourth book in the series. I wrote it for you and I’d love to hear what you think.
Stay safe.
I can’t thank you enough for your amazing stories😁
I can’t thank you enough for reading them. Hope to meet you soon on Facebook!
The Silvan series of books is absolutely brilliant, the emotional connection I get when reading them is just so strong(and I am a 66 year old male) and the storyline plus characters are just so well done that I cant stop reading once I start. I rank this amongst the best book series I have read over many years, for me it even surpasses the Axis series. I am looking forward to Return if the Warlord as well as book 5 even though I will be disappointed to finish the series, but saying that I have re read the first 3 books a few times already and I know I will re read these books for years to come.
I am so blessed to have readers who take the time to tell me how much they love the series. It is motivating and uplifting and will keep me going for many years to come. There is a lot more from The Silvan still to come!