Return of a Warlord is on Pre-release! - Author R.K. Lander
R.K. Lander

Return of a Warlord is on Pre-release!

Return of a Warlord: The Silvan Book IV is now available on pre-release.

May 30th, 2020 is the official release day, but I’m working hard to finish for April. Meanwhile, I thought you might like to see the cover and read the blurb.

Return of the Warlord by R.K. LanderFrom a new dawn, a Warlord rises.

After the Battle of Tar’eastór, the Great Forest waits for the one the Silvans claim as their Warlord. With his past unveiled and his future destiny clear, Fel’annár and The Company journey home together with Prince Handir and Gor’sadén, the commander Fel’annár has named father. With documents that incriminate the enemy, they must travel in secret to protect their treasure and Fel’annár from those who seek to kill him. Meanwhile, the forest king struggles to maintain his throne under the final onslaught of Band’orán and his Alpine purists.

Raging rivers and treacherous cliffs. A perilous sea and ruthless assassins await Fel’annár and The Company as they approach a forest on the verge of civil war. Can they make it in time for the final showdown? Can the crown prince hold the enemy at bay? Long enough for the return of his brother? For the return of the Warlord.

If you aren’t on my mailing list, please consider signing up. You’ll get the latest news on release dates, amongst other things. You can do that here:

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Are you ready for the next Silvan adventure? Then go order your pre-release now. Amazon will remind you when the big day comes.

As for me, it’s on with the job. Until next time!

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Tim Martin
Tim Martin
5 years ago

Great cover! Can’t wait to read the book! Have really enjoyed the series.

Guiler Bettinger
Guiler Bettinger
5 years ago
Reply to  R.K.

I also am pumped that book 4 is on its way! How long for the audio book release though? Is the same narrator doing it because I thought his performance was great?

Tim Carter
Tim Carter
5 years ago

RK it has been an amazing journey am I am so thankful for books!

Daniel Martine
Daniel Martine
5 years ago

Really looking forward to this, I just re-read and listened to the series again for the 5th time last week, I also hope you get Daniel again as he is brilliant. Thank you for your amazing work.

R.K.’s audiobooks are also available at all major retailers.